Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Science and Books


Currently i am reading a terrific novel, Everlost, a book. This story is about two children(nick and Allie) who are almost killed in a car accident and are trapped in a world between the living and the dead. This imaginary world is called Everlost. I can related this book to science because there are many people who believe in this world which is where the ghosts and paranormal live. People try to prove this by taking their high tech cameras, videos, heat sensors and much more. They travel to places that are said to be haunted and set up all of their equipment their. They capture footage and voices which they use to support their scientific evidence that it is fact. I believe that there are ghosts although i have never experienced any paranormal events. This is a excellent book which i believe you should read and you can give your own scientific opinion on the living and the dead!

1 comment:

soccercrazy6 said...

This is a great example of science and how it relates to the paranormal. It sounds like a good book.