Thursday, November 12, 2009

Extra credit question.

Christopher Columbus

While thinking about this quote ,"In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurred" by Sir William Osler I began to believe that is could have several reasons why he thought of this. First off, many people are struck with genius hypothesis or true facts, which people and other scientist believe are untrue. For example, most people believed the world was flat and if you sailed to far in a direction you could fall off it. Others believed that the earth was round because in ancient Greece when a European , Aristotle gazed up at the moon at night, he realized that the earth cast a spherical shadow on the moon. Some accepted his idea but mostly everyone denied this and thought he was crazy. It was until the time of Columbus was this hypothesis proven. Due to Columbus's vast voyages across and around the world he proved to people that it was round because he did not fall off the Earth and showed that there were other continents than Europe, Asia, and Africa. Even thought Aristotle came up with the idea hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus was even born, this fact wasn't taken into society until Columbus convinced the world. On the other hand, even if a man convinces the world that doesn't always mean the first person to come up with the idea wont receive the credit. I believe that this quote is very true but is wrong because the man or woman who first came up with the idea and supported it with information should receive the credit. I n conclusion this is a proper example of the quote thought up of from Sir William Osler.

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