Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ghost Shark

For millions of years, a fish, closely related to a shark has been lurking in the deep waters where explorers couldn't find them. Recently the scarce fish had been found off the coast of southern California. The black ghost shark, also called Hydrolagusmelanophasma has been the first of its kind to been seen in California waters since 1947. Amazingly, This fish is the oldest group of fish known today! Also, these incredible fish lived through the time of the dinosaurs with out changing through time. Scientists want to have more explorations into the deep water of south California in order to find more about them. I believe that explorations to find out more of this unknown shark like fish are extremely necessary. In conclusion, this amazing fish has survived for million of years and should live for many more since it lives were scintist cannont reach it.


1 comment:

babybblue14 said...

Wow! That is so cool how a fish can live for so long wiht out changing. Nice post!