Saturday, January 9, 2010

Research project

Recently, our unit has been working on a research project where we take notes and write a five paragraph essay on our chosen topic. Of the five topics given to us, I chose global warming because I found it to be quite interesting due to the fact it is such a problem world wide. While researching I found out that global warming impacts more than just the polar ice caps. Droughts, extreme flooding and glacier depletion are other effects. Extreme droughts caused by heat waves dries up crops which further results in food loss and ruined soil. This makes farming difficult for farmers physically and economically. Also, in Bolivia the largest ski slop, Chacalytayna is home to the Andean glacier. This glacier supplies almost ONE BILLION people with drinking water and researchers from Ohio State University calculated it has decreased 25% in size. by the year 2035 it may be gone (36-37 Kowalski)!!! Next, From Florida to Maine the east coast has thousands of beaches and just south of Florida there is the stunning Florida Keys. unfortunately, due to polar ice caps melting, the ocean level will drastically rise and the keys and all of our beach will be underwater. Negative effects like these few and future effects show that our earth is slowly dieing unless we change our ways and burn less greenhouse gases. In conclusion, global warmings impact is felt world wide but it is up to us to try to stop it in order for a better future.